We exist to help people grow in
Christ, share the gospel, and serve
our community
The Outpouring of Orlando is a Christ-centered church whose mission is to help people grow in Christ, share the gospel, and serve the community.
Our aim is to introduce people to Jesus and help them grow in their relationship with him through relational discipleship. To best accomplish this, we live on mission every day. To live on mission means to be on Gospel mission no matter what we do or where we go. Whether that is where we live, where we work, or where we hang out, everything we do is on mission to represent Christ in this world.
Since we practice a gospel of both word and deed, our discipleship model is designed to be a life-giving, grace-filled process of being with Christ and becoming like him together. Through discipleship we not only grow together as individuals, but we learn to share our faith with others.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:16-20
Because we have been compelled by the love of Christ, we intentionally invite people that stand outside of the faith to come and do life and be in community with us.
Our vision is to see people
live on mission where they
live, learn, work, and play.

Gospel Driven | Redemptive | Authentic | Compassionate | Extravagantly Generous |
GOSPEL DRIVENEverything that we say and do is centered on what
COMPASSIONATEWe care about people. Period. If God loved us enough to see us in need and do something about it, then we have the same responsibility to the people we encounter in and outside of the church. We firmly believe that God’s gospel is one of word and deed. Therefore we are called to not only verbally address people’s brokenness, but we are called to do something about it.
AUTHENTICWe know that our culture is obsessed with “keeping it real.” Keeping it real is not inherently bad, but it becomes bad when we use it as an excuse not to change. God has redeemed us to be real and to be authentic, it’s just that now we “keep it real” as a new creation in Christ. Keeping it real should mean that we live up to the truth that we have now attained. Being authentic means we can accept each other just as we are no matter where we come from. It also means we disciple each other into being true and authentic in who Christ redeemed us to be.
REDEMPTIVEAs individual believers we have been blessed to receive the benefits of the gospel, namely what Christ did for us through his Incarnation, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. All these benefits have been applied to believers and we have been united with Christ through the Spirit. That has great implications for the church because if we have been united with him, we therefore are united with one another. We strive to be redemptive in our relationship with each other. We love each other, we believe the best about each other and we strive for unity. We live in Romans 12:5. |
God spared no expense when he sent his Son to pay for our sin debt with his life. We give extravagantly because God gave extravagantly to us. We give not so that we can build things and buy stuff, we give because it is the right response to an extravagantly generous God. Our generosity and stewardship is a great opportunity to manage God’s resources around the priorities of the kingdom. When we are extravagantly generous we are participating in the revolution God initiated to change the world.